PVARC K6PV.ORG   Palos Verdes Amateur Radio Club ARRL

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For Sale

For Sale

The Fine Print:  

The PVARC assumes no interest nor responsibilities for these transactions, and extends no warranties on these items, whether implied or expressed otherwise. 

The Buyers and Sellers are responsible for the exchange of items and any funds.  It is the Sellers responsibility to notify the Webmaster when an item is no longer available for sale.  

Any item posted on this page will automatically be removed after 90 days unless otherwise notified.  All items posted here are done so at the leisure of the Board of Directors, and the discretion of the Webmaster of the PVARC.

Email ads to the Webmaster and/or to the QRO Newsletter Editor.


For Sale: PVARC Patch PVARC Club Patches.  Three-inch custom embroidered, $5.00 each.  Contact Dave Scholler KG6BPH at (310) 373-8166.
For Sale:
PVARC Jackets
PVARC Club Jackets.  Price ranges vary from $35 to $55 depending on size.  Contact Dave Scholler KG6BPH at (310) 373-8166.
For Sale: PVARC Badge

Need a
Club Badge?  Contact Karen Freeman KG6BNN at (310) 541-6971 or email karenaf@cox.net to order one for you.  The cost is $13.00.

Wanted To
This space available.

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