ARRL Library Video Series
The Palos Verdes Amateur Radio Club has the following ARRL Video Library tapes. They are for loan to any member of the club. Please contact Ginger Clark - KG6TAU at 378-7894 to check out a tape. Volumes and titles are below:
Volume 1: Recruitment
New World of Amateur Radio
HAM radio in space
Your Headquarters at work
ARRL Public Service Announcements
Courage in the North, Handi-HAM Radio Camp
Sharing Amateur Radio with Handi-HAMS
Volume 2: Shuttle Amateur Radio Experiment (SAREX)
HAM Radio in Space
SAREX Space Shuttle Mission STS-51F
SAREX Space Shuttle Mission STS-58
Volume 3: Disaster Preparedness / Public Service
When Disaster Strikes
At Any Moment
Field Day Fever
Disaster Drill: The Big One
Last Voice from Kuwait
Volume 4: Operating Modes & Interests What are those crazy sounding signals saying?
This is Amateur Television!
Packet Radio
AMSAT Phase 3D
Volume 5: Educational
Everything you always wanted to know about
But were afraid to ask
Spark Gap
Volume 6: Dxpeditions
VP8SSI: the south Sandwich Saga
Journey to Peter Island: Close to the edge
Volume 7: More Dxpeditions
Fastnet Force Seven
The AHIA Saga: Howland Island Dxpedition
Volume 8: Contesting
Winning in the hill
All China amateur direction finding competition
Volume 9: Amateur Radio history
1935 tour of ARRL HQ
The trans-Atlantic tests and station 1 BCG
An American Inventor – Maj. Edwin Howard Armstrong
Volume 10: Club & Personnel HAM Radio applications
9N1MM Marshall Moran tribute dinner
Amateur Radio in elementary school
FAIRS in the former Soviet Union
Genessee County (MI) RC-60th Anniversary
Volume 12: Amateur Radio Far Away
Phase 3D Integration Lab
JASIB/Fuji 2
SANDIA Robotics
SAREX at Center Street School