Islands On The Air DXpedition
Santa Catalina Island NA-066
February 25 - March 1, 2015
The DXpedition begins
(photos by Diana Feinberg, AI6DF)
The 2015 K6PV/6 IOTA DXpedition Team:
Ray Day N6HE (Leader), Don Beaumont KE6PMN
Mike Caulfield AF6VT, Bob Closson W6HIP
Clay Davis AB9A, Diana Feinberg AI6DF
Bill Harper WA6ESC, Joe Pace NZ6L
Chris Storey KA6WNK, Norm Thorn K6UU
Jeff Wolf, K6JW
Waterspout pictures by Dave Coiner KJ6DVB, Asst. Harbormaster
2015 IOTA PVARC Presentation with Videos and Pictures,
by Ray Day N6HE
View PVARC IOTA Videos (YouTube)
Pictures by
Ray Day N6HE, Don Beaumont KE6PMN
Bob Closson W6HIP, Diana Feinberg AI6DF
Joe Pace NZ6L,
Chris Storey KA6WNK,
Jeff Wolf, K6JW